Lance Winslow's Online Critics Attack with Vengeance!

Online critics lurk in the shadows and attack the top online article writers of Internet Article Submissions sites. One recent critic has attacked the all time most prolific article writer on the Internet, a gentleman and a scholar who has written nearly 4000 articles containing an estimate 1.9 million words. To put that into perspective this is the same a 15.2 Novels of 500 or more pages.

When reviewing these attacks from the lonely critic we see they are petty "hit and run" type comments. Some say that actually they are funny. You know some times controversy builds traffic and thus it does help Blog traffic, however the attacks appear to possibly be some what an act of desperation from a manic depressant individual with a chip on her shoulder who harbors jealousy.

It almost appears as if someone is trying Lance Winslow psychologically for some reason, as he does not fit in their nice little categories of psychological profiling. First the critic said lance got no attention growing up? That's not true, we checked that out. Then it was he must want to be noticed? Not hardly, we checked that out too. Then the critic claimed that the top online article submitter on the Internet of all time had only expertise in Car Washing? Well that is completely linear and incorrect, as we verified that was in error. Then it was Lance is full of hot air? Nope, not at all, seems to be perfectly normal.

After all this the critic attempts to give the top online author advice on how to go about his mission. Yet we all know that you should never take advice from anyone who has not accomplished anything. Next the critic states that Lance supposedly does not knowing what he am talking about in his articles. But that is not true of course he does and it is evident from reading those articles. Next the critic lambastes Lance for replying with his comments in articles and that he needs to be more brief in his comments? Why, she is not brief in the criticism?

We must therefore ask this critic person who is so critical and full of advise, why hasn't she written any articles or revealed her information? How do we know it is a