What's So Special About Silk?

For over 4000 years silk has held the position as the Queen of Textiles. It is the ultimate luxurious cloth for the individual with discriminating taste.

To quote Oscar de la Renta, "Silk does for the body what diamonds do for the hand." Once upon a time...... there lived a Chinese empress, Si Ling Chi, who watched a silkworm spinning its cocoon while on her morning walk through the royal gardens. She dreamt of clothing herself entirely with fabric made only from these fine, shimmering threads...

Such was the beginning of the breeding of silkworms 5000 years ago, and even today the principles remain the same.

So what exactly is silk and how is it made?

Silk is the fine thread with which a silkworm spins its cocoon. The silkworm pupates in its cocoon and emerges 20 days later as a moth. The thread which is produced by the spinning glands of the silkworm is the finest and strongest natural fiber in the world.

Silk is a protein fiber, meaning that is chemically quite similar to human skin. Because of this, silk is an ideal "second skin".

So what is it that makes silk so special and sought after for clothing?

* Silk Shines