5.1 Steps To Increase Your Email Open Rate

It's amazing what you can pick up on the Internet. I do a lot of research, browsing and, what some may call, time wasting. The time is spent searching the Net, following links, looking up stuff when blog posts and websites pique my interest.

In the end, I hope it's going to be worth something. Something I can pass on to clients to help them grow their business.

Here's a couple of pieces of information that will be of interest tothe online community:

* According to DoubleClick, the average open rate for e-newsletters is 27.5%.

* Again, according to DoubleClick, the average click through rate to a site mentioned in the newsletter is 7.2%

If you use e-newsletters as a primary source of communication, compare your figures to the data. How are you doing?

If you want to increase your open- and click-thru rate and become a part of the group that is higher than those averages, read on ...

Step One - Know Your Reader

I know, how obvious is that? However, one of the pitfalls in easy online communication is just that. It can be TOO easy. The first step is to really know your client base, or who your reader is. It's more than just knowing they are a "real estate broker" or a "florist" or even a "purchaser".

You have to know what their mood is.

Yes, their mood!

How can you know this? With some thought, commonsense and a focus on the customer, not your product.

You have to look at the pure definition of rapport: stand in your customer's shoes. See it from their perspective, understand their feeling in their situation. Then you'll begin to get somewhere.

Step Two - Be Clear About Benefits

Keep in mind it's their hard earned cash you want them to part with. They won't part with it lightly so really consider how what you do or what you sell makes their life easier, better, more comfortable. If YOU can't define that, they wan't be able to either.

Step Three - Use the Right Words

Use words that will capture their attention without overstating what you do. Tell them exactly what you can do for them.

Talk in terms they will "feel" - that's why it is so important to develop the rapport, even in an email. Our feelings are our drivers. Have you ever backed away from something and thought "something doesn't feel right about this?"

For instance, a recent campaign for one of our clients who work with brides brought home this point.

We talked about the warm spring day, the breeze of the river, the fragrance of the floral arrangements, the magic of the day.

We talked about being able to recreate that moment in their mind and how to do that. It really worked and our open rate was over 40%! And a follow up campaign was over ... 75%!!!

Step Four - Get Below The Surface

By creating the picture your client wants, you can then create headlines or subject lines and content that speaks to the prospect below the surface.

Think of a person's buying zones as above the surface and below the surface, much like an iceberg.

Above the Surface

Above the surface are all the facts and reasons why they should or shouldn't purchase what you offer. It's the rational place where they do the "pros and cons" thing.

Below the Surface

This is where you need to be or get to. These are the emotions and motivators for buying decisions. It's where a customer might say "I know it's expensive but I'll look great in this dress."

People buy based on emotion. If you can connect with those emotions, then you have increased your chances of making a sale.

It applies the same way for e-newsletters and email offers to clients. Work on getting below the surface. The first thing you want to get is their attention and then to open up a conversation.


A Small Caution


I fully support accessing the client's emotions. It's what they want. I do not support manipulating those emotions for pure personal gain, regardless of the value to the client.

Step Five - Offer Something of Value

Give something away. Whether it be a discount off what you do, or a tangible prize you can give away easily it will help. If you set it up right you can highlight this in the email/newsletter subject line.

Don't: Offer a 'free' something and then make them purchase something to get it. Do it as a goodwill offer.

Step Five Point One - Review and Persevere

The U.S. President Calvin Coolidge promoted the idea of perseverence above almost all other qualities. The same applies to engineering your emails. Consider it more over a 12 month time frame than one by one. What you want to see is a steady increase in open and click through rates.

The Bottom Line - Do These Steps Work?

Well, I'd love you to follow them check your results and then let me know. Just email me or leave a comment.

But, so you can have a little confidence here are my figures:

* Average Open Rate: 47.83%

* Average Click Through Rate: 13.69%

We've achieve these simply through the steps I've listed here.

So, over to you. Have a go and see if your results improve.

If your results are better than these already, let me know. That would be great.

If you haven't started an email campaign process with your clients, I hope these figures give you some confidence to start and gain real benefits.

Bill James-Wallace helps his clients grow their business through better and more strategic customer relationships. Drawing on his 18 years experience in the financial industry as a Sales Manager and Manager of Training & Development, he helps business owners play on the same field as corporates.

Bill can be contacted at bill@resultdrivensolutions.com.

His blog-based website is http://www.resultdrivensolutions.com