Lose Weight by Getting Into Focus

As we have discussed in prior newsletters, your life experience is created by what you give your attention to or focus on. If you apply this principle to your current weight situation what do you think you should be focusing on? Do you think that you'll get better results by focusing on your current body or would it be better to focus on the body you desire? To answer to that question you must ask yourself another question. Which feels better? Do you feel happier focusing on the way your body currently is or do you feel happier focusing your attention on the way you want your body to look? The answer should be obvious, by focusing your attention on the future you; you experience emotions such as hope, anticipation, faith, and happiness.

You attract what you focus your attention on.

I cannot stress this strongly enough!

If you want to remain overweight then you should continue to focus on what you have been focusing on, all the negative aspects of your body, your weight and the foods you currently eat. From birth until death we are always moving in the direction of our most dominant thoughts.

In order to lose weight you are going to have to change what you focus on. You must in essence, change everything in you, your thoughts and emotions, before you can change the outer you, your body.

In upcoming newsletters we will be giving you several tools you help you bridge your current thinking. The first tool is what I call the storyboard process. Get yourself a notebook or journal and create your compelling future now. In your journal you are going to create a future where you have already achieved your weight loss goals. That's right; write this as if it's already happened. Write this as if it is the present time.