Suck it Up, the Dust and the Savings!

Have you noticed that lately your furnace has been switching on more often? This is probably a sure sign that your furnace air filter needs replacing. Since most furnaces take the required air from outside, they must draw that air through a filter to ensure efficient operation of your furnace. Since furnace filters are very low cost, you can usually purchase these in large quantity packages and save money. You should replace your furnace filter once a month thus ensuring your furnace is efficient. This will also make for cleaner air in your home for those allergy sufferers.

Dust and dirt particles usually lodge themselves in your filter and can plug up your furnace air filter very quickly. When this happens, your furnace ends up working harder and the filter loses its ability to remove those particles from the air. With this reduction in efficiency, you will find that it is going to cost you more money for the energy you use.

One excellent way to cut down on your maintenance is to purchase an electrostatic furnace filter. As a rule this filter comes with a lifetime warranty and all you need to do is to take it out once every month or two, give it a good vacuum and washing and replace it. Before you make a trip to the hardware store, pull out the old filter which is located for easy access on the furnace. The size will be marked on it, including the thickness. Take these dimensions with you when you go to the hardware store to ensure you purchase the right one. The Internet can offer a huge selection of furnace filters to choose from. Since many of these merchants are able to purchase their stock in large quantities, these bulk purchase merchants can pass their savings on to you.

By Terry Price- Remember to visit- -for some excellent information home heating products, wood furnaces and more, including Hydronic Radiant Floor Heat!