The Ideal Fitness Program -- Is Analysis Paralysis Getting In Your Way?

Each year, more and more people begin a fitness program for the first time. With high blood pressure, the chance of stroke or heart attack, and diabetes on the prowl, many individuals look to find the best information possible in order to slash their results time and get into better shape faster.

But, someone forgot to let these people know that they need to be doing something while they are info searching.

For some, the fear of doing the wrong thing at the beginning keeps them from ever getting started. With the glutton of information out there, it's no wonder these unfortunate individuals end up not getting anywhere.

"Analysis Paralysis"

Analysis Paralysis occurs when people continually stay in information gathering mode without taking any action. They figure that "once I have the right information" they'll get started.

The study of the body is an ongoing phenomenon and the appearance of "wannabe gurus" giving out unsubstantiated advice runs rampant online. Therefore, our worthy beginner never finds the correct information on the fitness program they are looking for (because much of it is conflicting).

Some may consider this a form of procrastination. I would have to disagree. It is more a lack of decisiveness.

Lee Iacocca, the former CEO for Chrysler and business mastermind, once said:

"I have always found that if I move with seventy-five percent or more of the facts that I usually never regret it. It's the guys who wait to have everything perfect that drive you crazy".

In other words, gather information, but make sure to act when you have a sufficient amount. You