Echoes of the Distant Past

Where The Soul Never Dies

Nature, a reflection of our soul,
reveals the seasons of our lives.
Like people, earth's seasons teach us
patience, awareness, and encourage us to grow.
From the sparkle of sunlight in the doe's eye
to the sparrow elevated by the air below its wings,
the spirit of God is the source of life that fuels our spirit
and raises us above pain and sorrow.

Only the soul can travel to this place above the clouds
where we are lifted by the breath of God.
Here, the lessons learned in nature
disclose to us that dying is a transition into life
and nothing completely disappears.
Rather, we are transformed into another realm of existence
to experience the essence of living
where the soul never dies.

Sam Oliver, author of, "A Life in Review"


Echoes of the Distant Past

Sounds of distant years
form vibrations in my ears.
They bring echoes from life behind
and impress memories in my mind.

Hearts tingle in succession
and flood my body with emotion
at the presence of an event or friend
real or imagined again and again.

The Spirit wails and wails
in search of twice-told tales
filling empty spaces with similarity
of a past life seen with clarity.

Will my life in the course of time
repeat itself like poetry in rhyme?
Or find a new path to take
that NO ONE, but I, can imitate!

Sam Oliver, author of, "A Fish Named Ed"