Fitness Tips For Future Generations

In her book Smart Moves, Dr. Carla Hannaford tells us why we must move to fully activate our learning potential.

I personally have written articles and e-books on the topic of full body exercise to enhance flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, energy levels and weight loss. These exercises can be performed by 5 year olds to professional athletes.

Both Dr. Hannaford and I are talking about training the nervous system in an effort to enhance mental and motor functioning. I come at it from an exercise standpoint. I teach how to use your hips and butt to train your brain for smooth, coordinated movement patterns. Ultimately, this will allow the performer of the exercises to move his or her body as it is intended to move and the brain to function at a higher capacity. This produces an energetic, happier, healthier and more stimulating lifestyle!

Did you know approximately nine million children over the age of 6 in the U.S. are considered obese and 2% receive help for some type of learning disability? Let me tell you what you as parents can do to help.

I am now going to lay out 5 tips that you and your children can start doing today that will make all the difference in their motor and mental functioning. You will be doing what my slogan from my website promises;