Health: The Healing-Death Paradox

Almost all healers and/or healthcare practitioners (traditional and alternative) that I know work hard at helping their clients heal from whatever ails them. At the same time all of these individuals believe that aging and death are inevitable.

So my question is: What impact do such beliefs have on their ability to effect any real change in the lives of their clients?

Well at the end of the day these beliefs affect in a major way the outcome of their efforts to heal. That is they "defeat" them outright!

You see trying to help someone heal when you, and they, buy into the inevitability of aging and death is like driving your car down the freeway with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake.

Where does all the energy go? Well it gets converted into heat or entropy. In other words it is wasted energy!

So in spite of all of the healing miracles that occur on this planet daily they all amount to nothing if that individual is ultimately going to die.

Yes, I know that you may say that such healing helps to improve the quality of that individual's life. Well if that individual walks away conscious of the fact that some day they are going to die how is that going to feel to them? If you are a healer how does it feel to you?

Do clients not turn to healers to help them extend their lives? By extend what I mean is "indefinitely". Well of course they do.

Have you ever heard yourself or a client say "Well I only want you to help me extend my life for 3 more years and then I will be happy to die"?

I doubt it. You see, whether individuals have the courage to admit it or not they want to go on living happily, youthfully, healthily forever!

The problem is that in most cases they "doubt" that this will ever be possible and so they live lives of quiet desperation and fail to "think big". This is because of how they have been conditioned to think.

Do you know that most young children need to be taught about death because they do not have