Setting Emailable Report for Adsense

In this article you would be told how to set up an emailable report to get the Adsense Earning Report. For this you'll first need to create a custom report, using the reporting settings you'd like to send by email. You can set up a custom report by following these steps:

1. Log in to your account at Google Adsense

2. Under the Reports tab, visit the Advanced Reports - Ad Performance or Advanced Reports - Search Performance

3. Choose the date range for which you want to display reports like Today, Yesterday, All Time.

4. Then click Display Report.

5. Then Save the report as shown in this figure.

6. Then under the Reports tab, visit the Report Manager.

7. Change the Frequency as desired

8. Choose your email address to receive reports, or click the 'edit addresses' link above to enter another recipient. If you choose to add another recipient, just type their email address into the Edit email addresses box, making sure it is spelled correctly, and click Save addresses. You'll now be able to select that recipient from the drop-down menu.

9. Select the Format of your report: CSV or CSV Excel. Google would send your report as a Zip file.

10.Click Save Changes and your report will be scheduled for emailing.

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