Attention Blood Centers! Save More Lives With These 10 Steps!!

Managing numerous successful recruitment campaigns has shown certain factors must be taken into account to achieve the highest level of success. Meet and exceed your blood donor recruitment goals by following these steps:

1. STOP LIMITING POTENTIAL FOR SUCCESS. Calling only active donors eliminates a large pool of donors. Seeking to reactivate lapsed donors is critical to execute the most successful campaign.

2. STRATEGICALLY PLAN YOUR CAMPAIGN. Different methods are required to attract new donors than to reactivate lapsed donors. Plan on reaching out to lapsed donors at least twice a year.

3. CLEANSE YOUR DATABASE. Dialing out-of-date telephone numbers is the surest path to a failed recruitment campaign. Considering that 40 million Americans relocate each year, and many do not register forwarding addresses, databases may have as much as 50% inaccurate information.

4. TEST, TEST and TEST. Implementing call programs using untested scripts is a recipe for disaster. Use one or two of your best telerecruiters to develop an appeal you know donors will respond to positively rather than something you hope will work.

5. BE SURE RECRUITERS UNDERSTAND BLOOD DONATION. You must be sure your telerecruiters are knowledgeable and prepared to educate potential donors as needed. Use role playing in training and daily recruiter coaching to improve performance.

6. UNDERSTAND YOUR AUDIENCE. Gather information that gives you insight into your donors