Self Care Your Way to Success, Health and Happiness in the New Year

Here it is once again, the beginning of a new year! For many it is a time of promise and renewal, and the opportunity to start fresh.

If you are up to the challenge of making positive changes in your life, I would like you to consider adding the practice of regular self-care to your day.

The thought of taking time for one self often has women coming up with many excuses as to why they cannot put their own health and wellness first. If you are someone who is struggling with that, ask yourself this question, "How can I create balance, joy and peace for myself and my family if I am exhausted, irritable and stressed?" Without a healthy you, there will be no quality to your life.

If you are a busy mom you may be wondering how you can add time for yourself to an already full schedule. When coaching my clients, I have them re-evaluate their day and schedule. If your day is so busy that you have no time for your own health and well-being, you need to consider making a change.

Where can you start?

Immediately take a quick assessment of your health considering all areas (i.e. physical, mental, spiritual, financial, etc.); what can you start improving today? Try a 10-30 minute walk, healthier food choices, 10 minutes of stretching and deep breathing or simply increase your water intake. The important thing is to start somewhere. Small consistent changes add up to big benefits.

To immediately help pamper and rejuvenate yourself this month, take part in my FREE teleclass, The Career Mom's Tele-Spa Vacation: 7 Self-Care Strategies to Pamper Yourself in the New Year. Sign up at under free teleclass. I am now offering two convenient times for this teleclass!

Consider yourself as being a glass and your wellness as the water in that glass. Life's demands deplete that water on a daily basis. What happens when we are not replenishing that water? Our glass becomes empty and we suffer from burn out, sickness, anxiety or even depression. To prevent this we must continually replenish by looking at ways to increase our level of wellness while reducing the demands that are draining our glass.

You determine how full your glass will be. Practicing regular self care guarantees a full glass.

So during this New Year, self-care your way to success, health and happiness!!!! What are you waiting for???

Peggy Porter is a nurse, Wellness Coach, and author of YumME MumME Makeover-How to Balance Womanhood and Motherhood by Nurturing the Me in MumMe. If you are a Mom and want to start creating a healthier balance in your life, go to and register for Peggy's free monthly teleclass and Ecourse! For more info you can also email or call 506-832-0117.