Tips for Decreasing Colds, Flu's, and Infections

When you first feel yourself become sick there are things you can do to avoid becoming ill or to shorten the duration of the illness. These suggestions are especially helpful if you do them early on, as early as possible. They will help you fend of the Flu, colds or minor infections. Call a clinician if your symptoms become severe, otherwise these are some steps you can take to boost your immunity.

Eat Very Lightly or Not At All--With most illnesses the appetite is diminshed. This is a natural response of the body. Energy is needed to fight off the "bug" and the body does not have the energy to process foods as well. Give your digestive system a rest!!

Get Rest As Soon Possible - Many people ignore the early warning signs of illness and keep working till they "drop". You will take longer to heal if you allow the illness to get a foothold. If you feel a sore throat, headache, congestion, etc. coming on "take it easy". If possible, take the day off from work. This may prevent you from having to take 3-4 days off later on. This is also a good time to boost your immune system with supplements like extra Vitamin C and Echinacea.

Drink Plenty Of Fluids - This standard advice really does work. You can flush the toxins and "bugs" from your system simply by drinking large amounts of filtered water and herbal teas.

Hydro-Therapy at Home:

Hot Foot Bath:

Soak feet in hot water while wrapped in a warm wool blanket. Put a cold cloth on your forehead and relax while you sit in a comfortable position for about 10-15 minutes. Take care not to get chilled after this treatment.

Throat or Chest Compress:

Warm the throat or chest with a warm/hot washcloth or hot shower. Dry the skin thoroughly and apply a thin cotton wrap to (throat) or thin cotton T-shirt (to chest) that has been soaked in cold water and wrung out so that it is not dripping wet. Cover this with a wool scarf (throat) or wool sweater (for chest). Go to bed this way. By morning the wrap or T-shirt will be dry. This treatment increases circulation and increases the white blood cell activity.

Stephanie Meyer is a Certified Nutritional Therapist. She has been working from home and helping people find hope through good nutrition since 1997 after struggling with her own health issues and finding out that she could be healthy again. Visit her home on the web at