Work at Home Mom Series - Part 5: Thinking Rich

This series of articles are written specifically for work at home moms. In this article, we will discuss how the mindset of thinking rich can have a dramatic impact on whether or not you will be successful in a home-based business.

You have often heard, money makes money or success breeds success. So what is it about successful and wealthy people that makes them tick? Is there a magic formula or something special that we all do not know about? Is it really that far fetched that many of us who were not born rich could be rich and therefore successful? I think the answer to this question is, absolutely!

Let me tell you why the rich are rich and how the rich stay rich. First thing is that rich is not a matter of wealth in of itself. If that were the case, there would be many people who would be rich one day and dirt poor the next. We actually see this happening with sports stars who obtain riches very quickly only to loose it all in a matter of a few years.

Rich people are rich because they have the mindset to be rich, they think rich, they act rich, they smell rich. Rich is not money, rich is confidence and attitude.

So how do you change your mindset from what it already is to one that thinks and acts rich and successful? The first thing to do is to have a goal or a target that will define your success. For some that may be money, while others it may be getting a certain number of sales in a quarter or a year. Whatever your goal, break that goal into segments, first achieve the segments, win some small victories. Gain confidence by being successful with the smaller, easier obtainable goals. Once you have achieved your short-term goals you will be setting yourself up for reaching the big goal, whatever that may be.

Do you know that Mount Everest can only be climbed by first reaching smaller goals? Nobody can reach the top of the summit by climbing straight up, it is impossible. The same is true if you have never been rich and successful. You have to first taste success by climbing to the intermediate goals before reaching the ultimate point.

The point is this, success and riches can be obtained by anyone. First, decide that you will be successful, then set a goal, make smaller goals and then resolve to reach those goals before raising the flag of success at the top of your mountain.

I hope that you have enjoyed this article, and that it will help you make your business more successful. If you want, please send me an email and let me know what you think of this article and as always good luck.

Peter Engelbrecht is President of Diagonal Street Business Services and operates the web site The site provides stay at home moms and dads with practical home-based business ideas.