Work from Home Can Be an Employee's Dream

Work From Home

Work from home can be an employee's dream, especially if you are a person who has a long drive, or who hates to be tied down to the office. In addition, if you are more of an independent worker, work from home could be the answer.

Work from home job is not easy. You should feel responsible about the work given to you by the employer and complete in time. So that the employer can trust you and can go to give more good work. Most work from home employers put in more than their share of 40 hours of week like regular home to work employees.

They must prove themselves. It seems at times that no matter what they do, there is always a slight element of mistrust from the work from home manager regarding the work from home employee's work habits. Is she watching TV instead of working on the company report? Is he taking a two hour lunch and only documenting one hour? Because of this work from home mistrust, work from home telecommuters need to work harder, no matter if they are glued to the computer or their home office 8 straight hours a day.

Boundary between working and Playing It is important to first understand that like your office at work is only for work, your work at home office at home is also only for work. Do not mix work and play together. Keep the two separate.

This can be difficult if you are a work from home mother or father who has no daycare available for the kids. What to do? Well, establish work at home boundaries that your kids understand. Let them know and explain to them that work at home mommy or work from home daddy is working, and that they must not disturb you while you are working. For kids that are younger than the age to understand, have kids ask you questions or talk to you outside of your home office.

Why do this? Why Breaks and lunches are given?

Because once there is no boundary between working and playing, it becomes a work at home habit. You will find it harder and harder to work from home in that particular home office. This does not do wonders for your work from home productivity.

In addition, take your work from home lunch and work at home breaks outside of your work from home office. This can be difficult, as even in work offices most people have the tendency to eat a snack at their work station or make personal phone calls at their terminals. Do not do this! Breaks and lunches are given for a reason. Get up, stretch, walk around, pet the dog. Take some deep work at home breaths and relax yourself. If you establish a precedence of being tired and taking your "relaxing" breaks in your work at home office, mentally, your mind has equated your home with work and this can have unpleasant work at home consequences if you value your home as a comforting place.

Benefits of work from home

There are many benefits to telecommuting. Perhaps the benefits may outweigh the costs in your situation.

Working from your home has many advantages. You save a lot of money in oil (petrol) mileage, especially if you were having to come into the office before. The price of oil nowadays is not cheap, so this can help you save money and do wonders for your budget.

In addition, you are able to cut down on childcare if you have kids. Although it is not feasible to be able to spend time with them while you are telecommuting or working from your home, you will be around if they do need help with something. Just being there with kids rather than working from the office makes children feel as if they are loved as well.

You save on the cost of food also as, working in the office lends itself to going to the nearby snack shop to munch on food, or buying lunch out with the rest of the office, etc. Working from your home gives you the opportunity to stay at home and enjoy the comforts of your own food, home-cooked or from the freezer.

When you are tired and pooped out, you do not have to go anywhere to get back to your home. You are already there, so just walk several feet and you can get ready for a nap or a snack.

Communications Skills

In today's computer dominated job market, excellent verbal and written communication skills must also include an ability to understand technical issues.

How will you communicate with your supervisor? Will you be required to use a popular instant messenger program and thus be a quick typist? How well are you able to describe any problems related to the work? In other words, you must be able to describe an accurate status of your projects as well as any problems with your computer that are causing delays. These are definitely some critical issues to consider when thinking about working from home.

Can you prove that you are a trustworthy, honest person? For example, have your relationships with your past supervisors been problematic? Are you self-motivated or easily distracted?

It is true that the ideal candidate for a work from home job is self-motivated and extremely organized. Many find that a work from home office environment has numerous distractions that are not present in a traditional office situation. A work from home setting adds distractions like personal telephone calls, a kitchen, radio, television, children, as well as various housekeeping chores.

You should remember that employees who work from home usually are monitored more closely than office workers. Work from home employees are frequently subject to more frequent performance reviews and on-site visits than office employees.

Iam Mirza Mohammed Ali Baig having an Experience of more than 3 years in Seo Field. Visit my Websites for More best quality Articles.. and for acting related news.