Two Words That Will Guarantee Your Success

You've maybe known the 3 biggest mistakes any of us can make when looking for our dream job (and how to avoid them) ... then you need to know the 2 words that guarantee your success so you can put them into your career search activity program.

Most of the competition for your dream job is sitting at home moaning about their lack of opportunity. Complaining that NO one is hiring in my age group; my sex group; my ethnic group; my whatever... it's never their fault that unemployment is their punishment.

Actually, excuses don't pay and never will in our lifetime. It's all about getting off the backside and doing something constructive for yourself. Nobody is going to show up and do it for you.

One BIG problem is that a negative attitude will cancel any positive thought in an interview. An Interviewer can see through the hype and recognize a loser almost instantly. You're out the door before the interview begins, wondering what happened.

If you want to find success then you have to ACT like it's already part of your life. Vibrations - our psychic - the real YOU is flowing out into your surrounding space. Everyone sees it but you.

Start with the basics - drive or paddle a row boat before buying the 400 HP speedboat with all the bells and whistles. Be yourself as you seek to grow and make a difference. None of us can be or perform outside our abilities. Trying to "sell" yourself beyond who you really are is a disaster waiting to happen.

Most folks who read - study - seek to learn - are light years ahead of whomever is in 2nd place. Just our offerings of material in the career field - tons of FREE info. - puts our reader 97 percent in front of the remaining workforce.

Getting your dream job is not about secrets or a hidden agenda that we've created. Basic principles learned - used - and put into practice will turn the tide for you in your career search.

No more delay - here's your 2 words that will turn you into a successfully employed person in a career job of your choice.

And they are the two words that, if you master them, make you an indispensable part of any company you choose to work with.

What are these two words?

Have you come up with the answer yourself?

Let me give you a hint.

Everything you have right now started out as a desire to have it.

And you thought about it, planned for it, and worked toward that goal until finally, you could call it your own.

And in the moment you began your path toward achieving each goal, you made a decision.

A very important decision.

You decided to... TAKE ACTION.

Yes, take action.

Those are the two words.

Without taking action, you will not get your dream job.

By deciding you want your dream job, and by taking action to get it, you will guarantee your success, you will not fail.

Don Monteith - EzineArticles Expert Author

Don Monteith spent 32 years as co-owner of several franchises and a personnel/staffing business. Every year, his firm placed hundreds of job candidates in their dream job. Today, Don shares his business and career expertise through his newest websites on the Internet. Lots of FREE ideas - suggestions - ready for your perusal and study.