We Humans Need to Help One Another

No matter how self sufficient we may think we are, we all need help and all need to help others. Rather than a weakness, it is a sign of strength to ask for help and to receive help from others.
Every one of us has problems. It is hard to imagine what life would be like if there were no problems. As a matter of fact, it is hard to define exactly what a problem is. Here are a few problems I have experienced:

When I was 16, 1 went to a party and felt like I just did not fit in. I was shy, not at all sure of myself, and felt on edge the whole time. On the way home from the party, I told myself that I would not go to another party until my personality changed. I thought I needed a personality transplant (Personality transplants were not available at that time. Unfortunately, with the advances of drugs, temporary personality transplants are available. :)) )

At another time, much later in my life, I ran up a huge credit card balance over a period of a few years, during which I was fairly sure that I was being responsible about money.

A final example is that I have been plagued by serious episodes of depression during my adult life. During these times, I have felt hopeless, worthless, useless, anxious, ashamed, am unable to sleep well and unable to work well.

Some of us have medical problems, some of us have financial problems, some of us have relationship problems, some of us have parenting problems, some of us feel like we are wasting our lives in our jobs, some of us have mental and emotional problems, some of us think they don