The Popularity of Slot Machines

Usually the first thing you see, and always the first thing you hear, when you walk into a casino anywhere in the world is slot machines. The flashing lights, sirens and people jumping in excitement over their most recent win, sets the mood to one of excitement and possibility throughout the casino.

If you are anything like me, you may be very skeptical of this whole slots excitement thing. I always knew that playing slots was a losing proposition, because they only pay back a percentage of the money put into them, often between 90 and 98%, so I refused to play them for years. My wife on the other hand has always played slots, and seems to enjoy it, so I decided to give them a try. I quickly determined why they are so popular. The feeling that is generated when you win in addition to the possibility, no matter how small, of hitting a life-changing jackpot is almost indescribable. I have compiled a short list of why slots are so popular.

Playing slots is easy. All you have to do is decide how many coins you wish to wager and either push a button or pull on a handle.

Because they are so easy to play, it is much easier to socialize with your neighbor or significant other while playing.

With many of today's games tied to large progressive jackpots, there is always the chance you will win enough money to retire or change your life forever.

You can come and go as you please. The slot machines will be sitting in the same place when you get back from dinner, and won't complain if you are a little late.

The variety of slots available is staggering. You can play on hundreds of different slot machines in a single day. If you don't like the layout, design or position of the one you are using, there is another one just a few feet (or inches) away.

New slot machines are introduced all of the time, so there is always a variety of new and exciting games to play.

The bottom line is that slots are fun, relaxing and can be very enjoyable.

With the ever-increasing popularity of land-based slot machines, the Internet now offers hundreds of places where you can enjoy slots from the comfort of your home. To see some of these places and investigate the bonuses that they offer, take a look at Good luck at the slot machines!

Wesley Young is an author and runs a wide range of web sites including To find the latest Slots Bonuses, be sure to visit today. (Note to webmasters, you may use and alter this article for SEO purposes as long as you leave my links intact and live.)