Distant Healing Love

Following a conference call with a colleague I was asked to give distant healing to a person many thousands of miles away. The person is very famous but has undergone many emotional and physical challenges in the last few years.

I was asked by my colleague to connect to him and was informed that he had agreed to this. But when I connected to him I found the experience quite unique.

For many years I have been able to take my spirit out of my physical body and travel to a different aspect of my Self -- as, in reality, we are all one.

On this occasion, I waited until I went to bed at night and, at the junction point between waking and sleeping, I took my conscious awareness out of my body and travelled -- I suppose one could call it through the Astral Planes -- to the space occupied by this person.

As I arrived I was surprised to meet with quite a bit of resistance. The best may be to describe my experience: as I mentioned above, I did not take my physical body, only my spiritual awareness.

As I came around him to start the healing process, he started to lash out at me, lunging his hands into my body to rip me apart. The easiest way to visualize this process would be like a sword fight.

If you can imagine him with a sword in his hand slicing the air where I was standing and lunging the sword through me, you will get a feel for the level of resistance I was experiencing.

Because I did not take my physical body with me you can see why this was so futile. The sword was just passing through me: I was existing only in the empty space, so it looked as though he were just attacking fresh air.

After a while he began to tire and realize himself that this was futile and he could not hurt or destroy me. As he relaxed and accepted my presence, I was able to connect to him telepathically and I started to send loving, supportive thoughts to help with his healing process.

Since that initial joining of our spirits, I have not experienced any resistance from him. I now feel that he is gaining the support and love he needs from the inside to change his life on the outside.

I will keep working with him over the next few months to build his self-esteem and confidence. I feel the healing process is well under way and that, over time, he can gain in self-confidence, become self-sufficient again and live a happy, normal life.

George Lockett - EzineArticles Expert Author

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge