How to Win the Inner Game of Tennis?

Do you know the ways of winning the inner game with your mind? Timothy Gallwey developed this concept in his bestselling book Inner Game of Tennis. You're about to find out more ways of winning the inner game of tennis and these ways are applicable to all other areas of life.

Inner game is actually rarely a game. How is that? Well, usually we just listen to every thought that comes up in our consciousness and listen to it. Like having a radio stuck to your ear and repeating everything that you hear.

Playing a game means that you have some influence on your opponent. But if we just listen to every thought that comes up in our mind, then that is not a game, it's obedience.

The first step is to become detached from your mind. It's just your mind, it's not you! It's simply releasing thoughts from the realm of your unconsciousness and there is no end to them.

So how can you actually play the game with your mind?

Here are 5 ways you can win the inner game of your mind:

1. Fighting the mind
The most typical example of fighting the mind is when we are afraid. Courage is actually a win against fear