How To Use Free Report Give Aways To Attract New Business!

A few days ago, I exposed a foolish letter I wrote to try and get prospects when I first became a freelance copywriter.

Do you know what the right way to have approached this situation would have been?

Meaning, if a freelance copywriter wanted to go out and try and "attract" new prospects (as opposed to chasing them down), can you guess what I should've done?

The answer is simple: I should have wrote up a lead-generating ad (or more accurately, a series of lead-generating ads), and then...

I should've mailed the heck out of them!

Remember, the best way to generate new business is by using 2-step lead-generation.

Meaning, you go out and ask your potential prospects if they're interested in getting a free report, or a free guide, or in this case, maybe you'd want to pick out some kind of fancy-schmancy name like a

"FREE Business-Owners Special Report: 7 Little-Known But Incredibly Powerful Secrets The Big Guys Are Using To Triple Their Sales, Starting Immediately!"

Even better still -- if you target your message even more directly to your prospects, your response rates would be even higher.

Like this:

"FREE Retail Store Owners Special Report: 7 Little-Known But Incredibly Powerful Secrets All The Big Retailers In Tampa Are Using To Explode Your Sales, Starting Immediately!"

You'll notice, in this headline you've "double-bonded" with your prospect: You let them know this report is only for "Retail Store Owners", and only for those retail store owners in "Tampa".

(And you could've even been more specific than that -- like "Sporting Goods Store Owners" -- that would be even stronger and more compelling.)

Listen, no matter what you're talking about, it's always the little subtleties that'll get you from good to great, so pay VERY close attention to them.


And if your not interested in being great, then why are you even reading this?


Craig Garber - EzineArticles Expert Author

If you want to know how to consistently attract a steady stream of fresh new prospects, who are pre-qualified, eager, and excited about buying from you, then Craig Garber -- recognized by his peers as America's Top Direct-Response Copywriter -- can show you exactly how to do this, step-by-step. Garber's written winning promotions across a HUGE variety of industries and you can see them all for yourself on his website at