Carl Jung

Carl Jung wondered if he might be crazy when he had visions of the World War before the first of these conflagrations in the 20th Century came to pass. This made him a lot more desirous of understanding from whence his prophetic visions might have come as he continued to become one of the most erudite and learned men of that century.

There are a lot of people who exhibit common sense (an all too rare thing) that understand it is what we DO that determines what we are; rather than what we say (!) we believe. Practicing random acts of kindness and sharing would go a lot further than trying to convince others that we know something we are only on the verge of beginning to see. This principle or law is encompassed in the saying of the Magi called 'Right Thought=Right Action'. The practices of Tai Chi and qigong (pronounced 'chee-gong') work with the energy that surrounds us and sustains us and our astral selves. In China it has a prehistoric origin that makes the government want to stamp it out. This is the kind of religion that focuses on personal transformation and healthful interactions with all around us. They say it differs from Yoga or Tai Chi in that it is less complex and requires less focus on breathing. This 'They' is Falun Dafa or Falun Gong. You should have heard about the attacks on it in China and maybe you know it is spreading in America. The Chinese government is trying to extradite the leader back to China. The heresy trials and Inquisitorial approaches of nations are still with us. 'Chhi', 'Qi', 'Pranha' and other names like 'cosmic soup' are really the same thing as what the limbo state and astral energy or auric bodies are made up of.

The benefits of looking inward for growth and purpose are much better than trying to get someone else to believe as you do. In his foreword to 'The Tibetan Book of the Dead' with an Introduction by Lama Anagarika Govinda, Carl Jung made some excellent points. He says that we are visualizing these energies and spiritual dimensions according to our prevailing ethnic and cultural idioms. If we believe in Shiva or Jesus, Mohammed or Cernunnos then when we encounter the energy that relates to these cultural images, that is what our mind translates to our conscious brain. Science can prove the neurophysiological nature of these assertions now. It surely would cut a huge swath through a lot of ecclesiastical structure if everyone was to know we are all affected by the same 'gods' with simply different stories and names. Ecumenicism is not (as the Catholic Cardinal Biffi would like) just a dialogue between Christian denominations. It is a 'Brotherhood of Man' initiative that all of us must endeavour to bring to fruition. We are endeavoring to find the best way to show how the 'his'-story has stolen this once common perception that Falun Gong harkens back to, has taken us away from our soulful connection. The growth of man