How Do You Know If Debt Settlement Is The Right Strategy For You?

Struggling with debt and looking for a quicker way to get out of debt completely?

There are several different strategies for getting out of debt that can help you. One that is becoming increasingly popular is debt settlement (also called debt negotiation).

Debt settlement is a more aggressive strategy for eliminating your debt. And it is not right for everyone.

What makes debt settlement different than other debt reduction strategies?

The process of debt settlement is designed for consumers who are behind on their payments, and wish to avoid bankruptcy. The consumer (or the company hired to represent them, which is recommended) would make an offer to pay off the balance at a reduced amount, often 40-60% of the original balance.

The consumer gets out of debt faster, and saves a lot of money in principal and interest.

The creditor gets a lump sum of money, and gets it faster than if regular payments are made.

How do you know if debt settlement is the right strategy for you?

For anyone considering bankruptcy, debt settlement is a good alternative. While debt settlement does get recorded on your credit report, it is usually considered less damaging to your credit than bankruptcy.

Plus, with less debt, your credit can improve faster, and you