Here's What Not To Give

Valentine's Day is not the occasion to buy your sweetie a new power saw or a gift certificate to a fast food restaurant.

One can ony guess what portion of the $13.7 billion predicted to be spent on Valentine's Day gifts will be spent on the wrong ones.

Go for presents that are more lasting

Before you make the wrong move and get the cold shoulder on this upcoming day of love and romance, put some real thought into this year's gift. And if you've already bought your sweetheart something that appears on our list below, you've still got time to get your money back.

Valentine's Day is designed to make people feel special. In other words, avoid the vacuum and ask yourself, "What makes the recipient's eyes light up?"

In contrast, here's a list we've compiled of must-never-give Valentine's Day gifts:

A membership to a weight-loss group

Over-the-top or expensive gifts such as diamonds for a new valentine.
This gesture could truly freak the receiver out.

Divorce papers or an engagement ring.
Both should wait for another day that doesn't come with so many expectations.

A love letter written by someone other than the giver

Tools or household items such as a power drill or a slow cooker

An E-card (online greeting card) for your husband or wife.
E-cards are OK for a friend.

While lingerie might be considered sexy, it's a bad idea if you don't know the person's exact size or taste.
And it's always a "must-never" if it's coming from an inappropriate source.

Don't be a robot like everyone else; try scattering fresh red rose petals leading to a special place (i.e. bubble bath, bedroom, etc.), or write a letter to your valentine

Sandy Klocinski is the owner of, an online dating service for singles.