Creativity: The Robotic Programming Of Our Personalities

How many of you wish you could be and feel more creative in your lives? Well I'm sure many of you wished you had the creative spark.

Why is that so many people feel restricted in this way? Well it has to do with what you call your personality.

Basically, personality manifests from the sum total of all your beliefs, memories, perceptions, and corresponding behavioral choices that are acquired from childhood.

As we grow older there is an evolvement that occurs in the personality. It does change somewhat over time however much of the early conditioning remains deeply "wired" in your mind/body.

We often find ourselves becoming more aware of this conditioning when we place ourselves in new situations that cause them to surface and be revealed to us.

Most of the time they remain unconscious however until triggered into action by some external stimulus.

When you look at this picture do you begin to recognize how limiting all of this is for you.

Well that limitation is exactly what you have been feeling in relation to your creative block.

That is because you are largely at the whim of unconsciously held ways of being that you exhibit will very little direct control.

To deal with such limitations individuals often undergo personal therapy to "get in touch" with their unconscious so that they can feel some measure of control over their lives.

In my 25 years experience helping individuals it is my view that a lot of this work is not only in vain it is missing the point.

The conditioning acts much like a "computer program" that has a mind of its own. You just happen to be in that mind/body and trapped there as a victim of this programming.

The interesting thing about all of this is that you "think" or at least have been "conditioned" to think that this programming that many call the personality is who you are.

Well if it was who you are then why is that you are not in control of it i.e. your self presumably?

Well because it isn't who you are, it's only what you find yourself mired in.

Do you need to be here? Well only if you want to be. You may wish to read my article