The Do's and Do Not's of Exercise


1)	Go slow, never use momentum.
 2)	When standing always keep your knees bent.
 3)	Brace your abdominals at all times-EVERY EXERCISE   SHOULD BE AN ABDOMINAL EXERCISE.
 4)	Keep your head up and chin slightly retracted.
 5)	Pause and squeeze at the midrange of each repetition.
 6)	Keep your body still and controlled (neutral).
 7)	Learn how to use your body before learning to use an exercise machine.
 8)	Stand and exercise when ever you can.

Do Not:

9 ) Use momentum, jerk or throw the weights

10 ) Make noise, no banging the weights together or throwing them down on the floor.

11 ) Lock your knees.

12 ) Shrug your shoulders or drop your head.

13) arch your back or lean back.

14) Not use your abdominals.

15 ) rest more than 60 seconds between sets.

16 ) Continue with an exercise if you can no longer control your body or the weight.

17) Be afraid to use your body instead of a machine.

18 ) Think that more is better.

19 ) Watch the pretty people or the T.V. people, advertising is generally unrealistic.

20 ) Ever push or pull anything behind your head.

21 ) use a back extension machine.

22) Think that lying on your back or sitting to exercise will make you strong.

23 ) be afraid to use