Christians: Beware the Goebbels Tactic

Adolf Hitler's propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels is often cited to have proclaimed that if a lie is repeated often enough, people will believe it. Whether the citation is accurate is beside the point. The gist of the statement is true.

Face it. Most people, including Christians, are unaware of what is truly going on in politics and the world. Ask a room full of people whether the United States Constitution established a democracy. Most, if not all, will answer in the affirmative, and they would all be wrong. The Constitution guarantees a republican form of government, not a democratic one. The democratic lie has been repeated so often and so much, even by the media and the socialist government-controlled school system, that Americans literally have become brainwashed as to its "truth".

Don J. Grundmann, Doctor of Chiropractic and 2006 Senatorial candidate of the American Independent Party of California (affiliate of the national Constitution Party), labels this phenomenon as "The Matrix", a concept borrowed from the same-named blockbuster motion picture starring Keanu Reaves. On his unique educational campaign website at, Grundmann refers to "two outstanding and current problems" regarding The Matrix: "that [the powers that be] can, right in front of the American people, lie about, and cover up the true facts about, a major event in the history of the United States and get away with such lying virtually without challenge of any type; and the weakness of the general public who can be lied to and will accept those lies without challenge of any type."

Name-calling and mean-spirited smears operate the same way. Those who employ such tactics take advantage of the weakness of the general public. They abandon acceptable means of parlance in favor of demonization, usually against Christians.

Rule Number One when you're losing a political debate: demonize your opponent.

Most people will be persuaded by epithets to some degree or another so that, at least subconsciously, they will form an opinion about someone without ever having met or given that person the time of day. It is no wonder that negative campaign ads work so effectively. Candidates know this, and they exploit them.

It is quite easy to poison a person's reputation. This is precisely why tyrants love this tactic so much. Never mind that it is a sheer violation of the Ninth Commandment against bearing false witness.

In 2000, I traveled from California to Georgia in an emergency push to help collect signatures to get Pat Buchanan on the ballot as an independent for President. I discovered that most voters were willing to sign the petition until they learned exactly who it was they were signing for. "Pat Buchanan, the racist?" some would ask with a furrowed brow. Having supported Buchanan faithfully since 1992 and knowing full well that Buchanan was anything but a racist, I found myself having to explain repeatedly that it was the media that have wrongfully repeated this racist lie so frequently that people had actually become misled into a false belief.

It is unfortunate to witness good people stand up for righteousness and get smeared with hate.

For example, those who support the concept of Equal Rights for All, Special Privilege for None, get viciously smeared anyway. Therefore, those who oppose the concept of Affirmative Action in the hiring of racial minorities, will inevitably be branded as a "racist".

The same is true for Christians who oppose the abominable homosexual movement and its quest to codify homosexual "marriages". Regardless of the biblical and political reasoning which form the basis of their beliefs, Christians will quickly be smeared as "homophobes" and "hate-mongers" without delay.

Those who stand up for the Right to Life with regard to the abortion issue are likewise targets. Dare to speak out on behalf of the precious unborn, prepare to be smeared as a "sexist". How dare you even think about opposing a woman's "right to choose"?

What is even more shameful is when supposed conservatives in the "conservative" Republican Party lash out at their own party members with the same sort of disdain. You would think that the Republican Party would be free of such hijinks. Not true. In fact, such derogatory and mean-spirited quips played a major factor in pushing this writer into bolting that party.

It is likewise distressing, and even more so, when good, faithful pro-life Christians in the biblically-based Constitution Party are attacked, not just by those on the outside of the party, but by those from within. Speak out loudly enough on behalf of all unborn babies without exception, one would find himself wrongfully demonized as a "kook", "fanatic", and "bigot", guaranteed. Even Constitution Party presidential nominee Michael Peroutka, a faithful Christian and man of God, was a recent target by an intraparty colleague for his unwavering and unabashed stand for life, among other things.

This should not surprise anyone. Truth slices through butter like a hot knife. It necessarily divides.

Jesus Christ is truth personified. Throw Christ into the mix, and all political forces - even those normally at odds with each other - will quickly unite against the Crown Rights of Jesus Christ and those who advance His cause. They will quickly whip out and unleash the Goebbels tactic without batting an eyelash, and without remorse.

Unbeknownst to most who have been constantly misled by the media and mainstream "Christian" churches, Christ preached, "I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Matt. 10:34) Those who remain faithful to Christ in all aspects of life, including law and politics, should always be prepared to be a target of the Goebbels tactic.

It goes with the territory, so get used to it.