FAQs on Self-concept/Self-image

How is our self-concept formed? What is self-image? Read on to find out.
1. Just what is my self-image? Is it different than my self-concept?

Self-concept or self image is that internal picture we hold of ourselves - it's who WE think WE are. The amazing thing is that often others hold different pictures of us that don't agree with who we think we are. Each of us communicates out of our self-image. While affected by temperament, self-concept goes beyond our built in personality style.

2. I am generally shy. Why am I this way? Can I change?

Each of us has an inherited temperament. Our temperament combined with our life experience equals our personality. Certain temperament types are more introverted; that is, naturally more quiet. Anyone can change the outward behaviors, which is why we have Dale Carnegie Courses and Toastmasters to teach people to be more outgoing. But while the outward behavior may change, the inward temperament usually does not. In other words, you may not seem shy though inwardly you still are. For more information on temperament and personality see my article at www.selfgrowth.com. (Search on the word temperament.)

3. How can you change someone else's self image? How can I change my own self-image?

Self-image is composed of natural temperament (see above) and input from significant others (teachers, parents, friends, enemies, and self). It takes time and a repeated message to influence how a person feels about themselves. If you want to change your self-image you must change your "self talk"; those things you say about yourself unthinkingly. (I'm so clumsy, I never win, etc.) To change another