What is the Role of Your CORE in Developing Maximum Golf Swing Speed? (Part 1 of 2)

Many of the people that I work with are aware of what the core is and its role in enhancing golf performance, but many of these individuals believe that the core is comprised of just the abs and back when in fact it is comprised of MUCH more.

The core muscles include not only those in your abdominals and back, but also muscles in your pelvic floor and hips. Many of your core muscles can't be seen because they're buried underneath other muscles. As a result, it is very difficult to see visible results form core training. Many people falsely assume that a six (or eight) pack is the image of a strong core (I was one of them until a few years ago), but nothing could be further from the truth.

A well-developed six pack simply means that your outer abdominal muscles are well developed. However, if you take a step back and look at the function of these muscles, you can see how a six pack has virtually nothing at all to do with a strong core.

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