Why Does Dick Cheney Get Away With His Persistently Arrogant Posturing?

I have long wondered why a human being who has to take medication every day for his/her heart condition and possibly other ill health conditions has the second highest position in our country?? Could there not be concern for side effects that may cause irrational actions from anyone taking medications daily?? Can anyone guarantee that Mr. Cheney is functioning fully and rationally despite medications??

One of my biggest concerns is that if something happened to the President of this country, we would be at the mercy of a Dick Cheney.

Mr. Cheney has exhibited time and again an arrogance in his position as Vice-President that I find very disturbing. It is almost as if no one can disagree with this man.

He used profanity last year or the year before last while conducting our country's business because he did not like what a speaker had to say. He stormed off like a petulant child

He rarely smiles and in this latest incident, did not contact the President when this shooting accident took place. All of the media turmoil currently ongoing because it appears Mr. Cheney does not feel required to avail the President of anything until he is good and ready.

Mr. Cheney really scares me. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder the size of a mountain.

He appears to be so self absorbed in his importance, that it would appear no one but he has any right to do or say anything he does not agree with.

Just asking!!

An american born concerned citizen.