Pustules and Pimples - the Plaque of Puberty!

At one point or another in a person's life, they can be prone to Acne! Although adult acne treatments are common, you are more susceptible to acne when you are in your teenage years. It affects people from ages 10 through 40 and up, and can appear as blackheads, whiteheads, congested pores, pimples, pustules, or cysts, which are considered to be deep pimples. If you understand the reason for acne, you could do a lot for it when it comes to acne skin care. Acne occurs mainly on the face, chest or back and is commonly referred to in slang, as zits. If you are looking for an acne treatment, it is important to learn a bit about your problem before approaching the drugstore or cosmetic counter. In severe cases, you are advised to visit a dermatologist.

There is no one factor that causes acne. Usually, severe acne is found in people with poor personal hygiene or a hormonal imbalance. Acne happens when the sebaceous glands come to life around puberty and are stimulated by male hormones that are produced in the adrenal glands of both girls and boys. The glands that produce the oil lubricate and protect the skin. At this point in time, it is a good idea to find a good acne treatment.

When the cells that are close to the openings in the oil glands get blocked they cause a buildup of oil underneath the skin. Since bacteria lives in everyone's skin, it likes to feast on this oil and multiply, causing the surrounding tissues to become inflamed. Commonly referred to as pimples or whiteheads, when the oil becomes oxidized or changes from white to black, it is called a blackhead. Remember to look after your acne daily and practice good personal hygiene. Also, visit your dermatologist as your best acne treatments are usually found or recommended by them.

By Terry Price- Remember to visit http://www.acne-scar-removal-treatments.com/index.html --Looking for a natural treatment for cystic acne? http://www.acne-scar-removal-treatments.com/100-acne-cystic-natural-treatment.html