Why The Heck Am I Doing This

I am in my Forties, dang near Fifty. What the heck am I doing working in the Internet World? I did not go to college, I have not been trained, I can barely click and paste.

That is probably the sentiment felt by many, young and not so young. That is because we have a desire to succeed, but we really do not know where to begin. So what do we do? Well we get e-mails telling us this particular niche product is wanted by every person in the world. Folks are either losing 100 pounds a week or growing something bigger and I don't necessarily mean vegetables. So we are told to invest a small amount, get a website, grab a domain, and go to the bank and start cashing those checks that are fixing to start pouring in. When nothing happens, you get told to hang in there, keep the faith, and keep buying this grow something bigger, lose more weight than you have, fly faster than the speed of sound , product, which is going to make you rich. Because you have a website.

This really is not as far fetched as it seems. I know, because I speak from experience. No I was not as misguided as I poke fun at, but I did come into the Internet world so totally wet behind the ears. I spent way too much time on things I knew nothing about. I worked on websites, when I would have been a lot better off fishing. All because I did not take time to learn what I was getting into. It was my own fault. I did not start driving a car until I knew a little about it. I had to study the laws, the parts of a car that makes it go, and how to stop the dang thang.

How many of us have bailed off into the Internet Marketing world and got spanked from our ignorance. Gosh dog, what did we get into? I can tell you what we got into. We allowed ourselves to get involved with one of the greatest opportunities that one can have at their fingertips. Truly, anyone can have the ability to succeed in the Internet. But it is hard to do, when you don't have a clue as to what you are doing.

Here is just a little advice. Realize your WHY. Why am I doing this. To help with a little gas money? Pay for a few meals here and there? To vacation around the world? Give more to my favorite charity? Answer your WHY, then set your goals. Now you are ready to get some idea of how to reach thsoe goals. The keys that unlock this big ole door, called Internet Marketing. That knowledge comes from several places. Areas like this ezine directory. Ezines are a great area to see how folks build successful businesses online. You can learn from joining forums. Forums are loaded with folks who will provide great information and product and services. You may find those who have tried the product or service you are so thrilled about, just to find out that it did not work. That is a positive thing. Or you may find out that folks are looking for your idea and can help you market it.

So welcome to this world. Offer products or services that are in demand. Discover the golden rule of marketing, you gotta have traffic. Learn what to do when folks visit your site.

Oh there is more, and if your are serious about your business you will grab all the knowledge you can, so that you can begin to profit from this global opportunity.

Have fun, be honest, don't spend what you ain't got

Get the knowledge you need to start working the Internet. Looking for that niche product? Let me show you how to get started before you make costly mistakes and waste your valuable time. Visit: http://www.youropportunitycenter.com Get started off on the right footing. Thanks, Wayne Clark