Creative Writing and the Hero's Journey: Once were Warriors (1994)

From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters and sitcoms....

The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.

The Hero's Journey:

a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.

and more...

EXAMPLE: Once were Warriors, 1994 - Hero's Journey [basic deconstruction]

FADE IN: idyllic New Zealand; camera crosses over into the urban jungle.

Meeting the Hero / on a Journey: Beth comes out of an "alley" with a shopping trolley.

Meeting the Sacrificial Lamb: Grace reads to her little brother and sister.

Ordinary World: the Maori rappers etc.

Meeting the Antagonism: Jake stares down a gang member.

Meeting the Loyal Ally: Nig working out.

Developing the Sacrificial Lamb: Grace reads to the kids from her story book.

Ordinary World: Beth arrives home, drinks a beer; Nig walks in.

Inciting Incident: Boogie is arrested.

Elixir: Jake arrives home with the seafood; the way it should be; happy families for a nanosecond.

Call to Adventure: Jake wants to make love to Beth in the kitchen.

Refusal: Jake's gotten fired again.

Antagonists True Nature: you've got to fuck up everything don't you.

Developing the Romantic Challenge / Sacrificial Lamb: Grace goes to see Dooley; tell me a story.

Foreshadow of the Physical Separation: the police bring Boogie home.

Antagonist's Ordinary World: Jake turns up in the bar.

Meeting the Shape Shifter: Bully hanging around.

Push to the Physical Separation: Boogie asks Beth to be there tomorrow; I'll be there.

Meeting a Loyal Ally: Mavis starts to sing.

Developing the Antagonism: Jake beats up the guy with muscles in the bar.

New Self / New Name: Jake the Muss. Push to the First Threshold: party at my place tonight.

Foreshadow: Grace is dressed in the white t-shirt.

Conscious Decision: you won't forget will you Mum; how can I forget with you reminding me every five minutes.

First Threshold / Outer Cave: the girls talk amongst themselves.

First Threshold / Middle Cave: Jake and Beth sing together.

Developing Characters and Relationships: Beth and Mavis talk / Mavis sees her man try to get off with another girl/ Jake throws someone out.

Push to the Inner Cave: Beth slaps Nig; Nig refuses to cook.

First Threshold / Inner Cave: Jake beats up Beth.

Belly of the Whale: Grace comes down to find the place trashed and begins to clean up with Nig.

Pushed to the Physical Separation: Nig walks out.

Pushed to the Physical Separation: Boogie waiting for Beth to come with him.

Meeting the Mentor: Boogie meets Bennett.

Resisting the Physical Separation: Nig in the car; he wants a patch; you'll have to get past me first.

Physical Separation: the judge orders Boogie into welfare; Bennett says it is a choice between learning something and going to jail.

Encourage to the Transformation: Grace encourages Boogie; at least he'll be doing something different.

Rules of the World of the Transformation: you know the rules girl, keep your mouth shut and your legs open.

Physical Separation: Nig gets beaten up and becomes part of the gang.

Trial and Transformation 1:

Grace walks in to see Beth's face.

Beth visits Grace in her bedroom.

Grace tells Beth that Boogie has been taken away.

Jake wants to know what all the fuss is about; thinks it'll toughen him up.

Push to Trial 2: Beth and Grace decide to visit Boogie.

Trial and Transformation 2:

Developing the Romantic Challenge / Sacrificial Lamb: Grace visits Dooley again.

Jake wins some money.

New Self: Nig has a patch.

Jake gives Beth the money.

Beth says that "that's the trouble, I do love you."

Boogie smashes up the walls and Bennett shows him how to use the Maori weapon.; when I've taught you your mind will be your most fearsome weapon.

Trial and Transformation 3:

Jake et al have hired a car and they stop to ask Nig if he wants to come.

Singing in the car; what's the time Mr Wolf.

Polarisation / Backstory: Beth descended from royalty and Jake from slaves.

Jake goes in for a beer.

Beth tries to get Jake out of the bar; feed the kids.

It's just a woman's lot that's all, one day you'll understand.

Boogie learning the Haka.

Jake tells Beth and the kids to get a cab.

Divergence: Grace says she hates both of them.

Beth phones Boogie and makes up the story about the accident.

Transformation: Boogie does the Haka form the heart.

Transformation: Jake invites Beth downstairs; no more Jake.

Foreshadow of the Oracle: Grace comes down for a glass of water.

Meeting the Oracle: Bully rapes Grace.

Divergence: Grace in the bath; cleaning up. Beth comes in and told to get out.

Resisting the Change: Beth says she doesn't want any more of these drunken parties; Jake tells her to fuck off.

Grace visits Dooley and starts smoking.

Beth wonders what's up with her pup.

Grace walks away from Dooley.

Creatures of the World of the Sword: the tattoo artists; the people of the streets.

Journey to the Sword: Beth and Mavis looking for Grace.

Seizing the Sword: Grace comes home.

Pushed to the Night Sea Journey: Jake beats up Grace and tears up her story book.

Night Sea Journey: in the back yard.

Near Death Experience: Grace kills herself.

Rebirth: Beth finds Grace and takes her off the tree.

Resolve: no point crying, it doesn't help.

Reward: Aunty comes to pick them up.

Atonement with the Father: Beth wants Grace buried at home; this was never her home; you're still a slave to the drink, to your fist and to yourself.

Apotheosis: Grace buried in the Maori village; Grace tells the story about herself [see I can keep a promise]; Dooley kisses Grace; Boogie sings the Maori song.

Denial / Disgust / Isolation: Jake smashes the juke box; comes home to an empty house; cuts the tree down.

Magic Flight: at home with the family; come home but sort things out here first.

Rescue from Without: Beth reads what Grace has written in her book.

Crossing the Return Threshold: Beth and Nig walk into the bar and confront Bully.

Final Antagonism: Jake reads Grace's story.

Final Conflict: Jake beats up Bully.

Master of Two Worlds: Beth's "Once were Warriors" speech; we were people with Mana, with Pride.

Freedom to Live: we're going home.

FADE OUT: the police come for Jake.

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