Falling In Love With Singaporean Girls

A few months ago I noticed a beautiful Asian girl in my school. I am a white guy living in Portland, Oregon, but I have known many Asian people and have studied Chinese for a few years.

Anyway, I learned from a classmate that she was from Singapore. She seemed very shy and it seemed like she could not speak English well.

I asked my friend about her and he told me she was an exchange student. Since it was nearly the end of the year I decided not to attempt to ask her out or even talk to her.

I would see her everyday in school though, and I could not help looking at her she was so beautiful.

As the weeks went by we made more and more eye contact, but being kind of awkward with girls I have never met and not being very knowledgeable on female flirting tactics I thought that she was just making eye contact with me because I couldn