Effective Teaching and Learning

Teaching means to change the behavior of student towards positive direction. For effective teaching, it is very important to know the behavior of student. Behavior means any overt (observable) response or activity by an organism or the way in which an individual behaves or acts. It is the way an individual conducts herself/himself. It can be seen in reference to society norm. Or the way in which one treats others or handles objects. To change the negative behavior of the student we have to know the factors effecting on it. We can divide these factors into three categories:-
1. Societal factor
2. School factor
3. Family factor

Common behavior problems are stealing, absenteeism, lying, fighting, cheating, lateness, rudeness, destructiveness, smoking, disobedience, abusing.

The factors behind problems behavior can be seeking attention, change in social relationship (example romantic breakup and rebuff) , change of status or group membership, disengaged with school staff, humiliation, impulsive remarks or response, no real harm intended, joking and teasing and you tend to believe it, Lacks ability to carry out threats, other family or life stress (example divorce, death, move) recent disciplinary action, socially isolated from peers, target of teasing or bullying, other. To overcome on these behavior problems here are some strategies to modify behavior:-

 Set behavior standards: Define classroom rules clearly to everyone and be reasonable, firm but fair, be consistent with student. For the most part, practice what you preach and insist on the general behavior that students must abide by all the rules before they speak/do.

 Keep students busy and motivated: Start class on time, plan for the entire class period, be definite about your lesson plan, relate assignments to students