Remember, and Fear the L-rd G-d of Israel!

With Hamas threatening to "liberate Jerusalem" and to ultimately "free Palestine" from the Jews, and Iran threatening to unleash a "greater Holocaust," it would appear these anti-Semities have again forgotten the L-RD G-d of Israel, and that He is to be feared! No one can threaten to hurt G_d's Chosen People, against the prophetic purposes of G-d, and survive unscathed!

Ahmedinejad, who presently occupies the seat of power rooted in the former Empire of the Medes and Persians, is uttering anti-Semitic threats against the Jews and the existence of Israel, is supporting Hamas, and has vowed to severely hurt any nation recommending taking Iran before the UN Security Council, or imposing sanctions. He is mocking and goading the world's media regarding the cartoon fiasco, and with an evil eye to provocation, has called into question the seriousness of the Holocaust. (By the way, even though he says he does not believe the Holocaust occurred, or at least that it was not as horrendous as portrayed, he has turned around and threatened a greater Holocaust! If he does not believe the Holocaust actually happened, then how can he threaten a greater? Greater than what? Aha! So, he actually does know the Holocaust indeed happened!)

Is G-d distracted or asleep? Is G-d intimidated by the saber-rattling?

More importantly, are the nations remembering the fear of the G-d of Israel who, historically, delivered the Jews from the hand of any who seriously threatened to annihilate them? Does Ahmedinejad know the reputation of the L-RD G-d of Israel? Does Hamas? Does the UN? Does Russia or the rest of the nations?

And, most importantly, are the Jews remembering the L-RD G-d of Israel, and are they contritely seeking His mercy, protection, deliverance, and forgiveness?

We are often excited about seeing the judgment of G-d brought to bear against the enemy, but forget G-d enacted His might and deliverance when His people repented in prayer and fasting, clothed in sackcloth and ashes! This pattern was not, and is not, merely some fool-proof formula. Rather it is realizing the L-RD desires His people to repent, and fervently seek to restore a relationship with G-d Himself, borne of righteousness! When the Children of Israel cried out to G-d earnestly, G_d intervened and delivered, and Israel