Bad Breath Cause

Although you may want to consult your physician if you have a particular problem with bad breath, the following general advice will give you insight into the likeliest cause of a bad breath problem.

The principal bad breath cause is associated with bacteria in the mouth. This can flourish when the saliva flow in the mouth is reduced. Lack of saliva means that old food is not washed away, and saliva also helps in neutralizing acids. Saliva also performs the very necessary task of flushing out the mouth, and removing food particles, so any reduction in saliva flow inhibits this action.

Saliva can be reduced for a number of reasons. There are natural causes of this reduction, and other causes related to disease or choices. The flow of saliva reduces naturally as we get older, making us more prone to bad breath. Also when we are dehydrated, the moisture in the mouth reduces naturally. Often when asleep, people will have their mouths open, maybe even snoring, and this will dry out the mouth. This contributes to the