Hot Dating Tips For Men #21/28

Hot Dating Tip #21: Be real.

Women value personal information. Guys, it's called 'intimacy'. They love it. They live and breathe it with their girlfriends, and it's what they often find most difficult about men - the fact that we don't seem to value it so highly as they do.

Learn to share emotions in a way that shows you to be sensitive and caring, but a good three steps short of being a wimp. It's OK to have feelings for your parents, your kids - even your ex - so long as you don't tell your current date how much you care for her on the first, second or third date. Save it. If the relationship seems worth nurturing, take your time and don't pour your heart out too soon.

Oh yes, and tell the truth. Always. That way you have less to remember.

If there's something you really don't want her to know right now, say you'll tell her when the time is right. By all means keep some things to yourself - nobody said you had to be an open book. A good way to fend off questions you don't want to answer is to turn them back on her. If shen really wants to find out more about you, you have some powerful leverage for a second date.

If you want to have the self-confidence to approach any woman you choose and the self-esteem to brush off the occasional rejection without a second thought, take a few minutes to visit my web site.

Scott Holland is the author of "How to Overcome Shyness and Find the Woman of Your Dreams". See for details and free download: Six Myths About Women and Sex - and why they are all wrong!