Driving tips in Thailand

Thailand has a good network of well-maintained roads and highways between all main centres. Road signage follows international convention and is in both Thai and English. Drunk drivers and an abudance of haphazardly driven motorcycles make night-time driving a real problem, however.

Road rules

Traffic drives on the left hand side and drivers must be at least 18 and hold a full, valid Thailand driving licence or an international driving permit. If you only have a national driving licence from your own country you will be permitted to use for up to two months. To hire a car, renters have to be at least 25 years old. Wearing of seat belts is compulsory and drunk-driving laws apply; all insurance is invalid if drivers exceed the legal alcohol limit.

Police regularly occassionally set up speed traps and offenders breaking the limits will be subject to on-the-spot fines, which are routinely less than the official rate, but no