Putting a Government in the Sole Hands of the People

If a society has become innately socialistic in their leanings is it safe to rest the future of that nation in the hands of the people? Some would say yes, that is what Democracy is. Actually that is what a pure Democracy is. Unfortunately pure democracies turn socialistic and socialism can destroy a once productive nation, as the citizens continue to vote for freebies from their government, until it can no longer keep up.

Moving to such socialistic state after the people take back or are given back their government, when in fact the people have hurt the efficiencies of their civilization in the first place; that is to say that the people have caused the current problem can be a huge mistake.

In the United States some observers might report that the people have called for a more litigious society, more rules, laws, barriers to free-enterprise and then they wonder why it is not working so well? If this is true then how can you trust the people when they think like that? Well one could say thinking is not the issue as, actually they are no longer thinking but rather reacting to the stimulus of visual renderings on a small flat panel display in their living rooms and sensationalized hieroglyphics on two dimensional extra large very thin sheets of dead trees. They are victims of a limited view of life on Earth.

In this case they can be said to see only one side, yet their attitude, voting records and talk is exactly the problem in many cases. That attitude causes attacks on innovation and entrepreneurs, as scapegoats for their own personal failures and mediocrities as they join one side or the other in the furious sound representing not. These are good thoughts to consider on an abstract basis when considering