Credit Cards, How to Avoid Overspending With Them

"Shop till you drop" is a well quoted phrase especially used to promote the shopping facilities of some cities around the world. Let's accept the fact that shopping is a pleasure for most people and a way of life for some. The presence of credit cards makes it a whole lot easier but for some people it is the start of a living hell once they become snowed under with debt and repayments. If you are not in this situation then good for you but read on so that you will recognise the signs of the slippery slope to credit card debt.

1. Know your credit card limit and stick to it. This limit has been set by the credit card copmpany for your protection. Once you go over this limit it is hard to get back.

2. Set your own limit well within that set by the credit card company, two thirds of their limit would be better for you to work to.

3. Keep all receipts and more importantly keep your own accounts by recording all the receipts. As you add each receipt keep a running total of the balance. You might be surprised how quickly it adds up.

4. Make a note with each entry as to why you made that purchase. It might be helpful later on when you are reflecting on where your money has gone. You might be thinking "Did I really buy that, what a waste" Hopefully you will be wiser next time round.

5. Avoid impulsive purchases, don't become seduced by smart advertising techniques designed to part you from you money and to make you feel 'smarter, cleverer, special, sexier' etc. Likewise, don't be seduced by 'special offers', 'buy now and pay next year' offers. You will still have to pay and by the time the payment day arrives you might have forgotten about it. Of course there are bargains to be had, just be careful and work out what you can afford to spend.

6. Following on from number 5, do not buy the first time you see something new. Go home and sleep on it and ask yourself if you really need it. If you decide to go ahead write it down on you account sheet so that you cans see how your debt will be increased before you make the purchase.

7. Withdraw cash from your account to spend and leave the credit cards at home. You will have a more realistic feel for what you are spending. This will leave 'a hole in your pocket' but will not land you in credit card debt. It should also make you more resistant to impulsive purchases.

8. Recognise the signs that you are over spending. Your balance is getting close to your limit, you are having difficulty meeting your payments or you are worrying about your debt. These are 'danger signals' and must be heeded. Stop now and review your situation. Get off that slippery slope before you drown.

These are some ideas on how to avoid overspending with your credit cards, I hope they might be useful. Credit cards when used carefully and sesibly are convenient, useful and essential at times. But when abused they can have a negative affect on your life for many years.

Bruce Walls is the Web Master at the best site to apply for a credit card online