Make Your Business Training Program a Mighty River

"The mighty Amazon begins as a mere icy trickle from an Andes glacier.

As the Amazon surges across the torrid wilderness, hundreds of tributaries pour their waters into it. Torrential rains swell the flood. Now, the Amazon is no longer a river; it is, instead, a moving inland sea that drains nearly half of South America.

So great is the river's power that even when it reaches the Atlantic the Amazon refuses to die. It floods the ocean with fresh, muddy water for up to 100 miles offshore."
- David Reed

Should your company's training efforts be any different? If there is not a training program in place, yet, you could be the "icy trickle" that starts one, or demands one. As more and more people take part in business training their ideas make the program more and more viable. A great business training program, like a river, can change the course or direction of a company.

A training program can be very modest. A person loves a self-improvement book and loans it to a co-worker. A person is skilled at presentations shares their expertise. Another person knows people who would be happy to come in a share their success stories. A training program is really based on teamwork.

Think about your company and co-workers. List their needs. Ask questions. Talk to managers. Become enthusiastic about training and share your passion.

If an icy trickle can grow into a mighty river, so can a training program.

Author Don Doman: Don is a published author of books for small business, corporate video producer, and owner of Ideas and Training (, which provides business training products. Don also owns Human Resources Radio (, which provides business training programs and previews 24-hours a day.