Anatomy of a Website


The header has a simple job, to remind the user what site they are at. It normally contains the title of the site. If some one had a pet care site, their header might be an off-white background, with the title Pet Care printed in black along with a picture of a dog and a cat.

Global Navigation

The sites highest level of navigation. This organizes the sites contents and pages into broad categories, which are linked to. On a simple pet care site, for example, the global navigation may consist of links entitled, Home, Dogs, Cats, About.

Local Navigation

For sections with lots of pages and content, a local navigation is used to organize it further. Using our pet site metaphor, the Dog and Cat sections might have local navigations with links to content like, Favorite Foods, and Proper Care. The About section may have a local navigation linking to the History and Contact pages.


This is the meat of your sandwhich. This is the bulk. It contains the content belonging to the certain page. On our pet care site