Spirituality; How Your Beliefs Affect The Quantum Field Of Possibilities

Let's face it; every morning when you wake up aren't you confronted with new and unexpected challenges that tax your resources, your energy, your self confidence, and your feelings of personal adequacy? Well if you're honest with yourself I think the answer will be an obvious yes.

Whether it's your fellow human being, the rapid pace of technological progress, the environment, or the limitations of your own physical body there always seems to be something that needs to be overcome. Well that makes for a harsh reality doesn't it?

Yes, I know that you may be asking yourself, what point is he trying to make? After all what he's saying is a fact, so why belabor the point?

Well the point is that we all seem to take this "fact" for granted don't we? That is we never ask ourselves for instance: "Why is it this way?", "Does it necessarily have to be this way?", "Who decided that this is the way it must be?