Getting a Hot Girl All Comes Down to Math

We've all seen it, certain men are more successful with women compared to others. These guys aren't necessarily better looking, nor more interesting. But there is something they all have, wisdom.

This wisdom is simple. They don't have a fear of rejection. Overcoming this fear can be hard, but they've all done it. Why are men so scared of rejection, it really isn't all that bad. The girl says no, you and her move your separate ways. The man feels there will be huge embarrassment, and that everyone will be on his tail about his rejection. His self esteem level will now be flattened, and his fear of asking out other girls will rise.

Once a guy overcomes his fear of rejection, he's almost there. Now he'll ask out many girls. This is where the math comes in, if you ask out a 100 desired girls, chances are that a you'll for sure get one of those. And in the end, this wise man will have a more successful love life, and be happier because of it. Even if it might of caused mild embarrassment, get over it! Be just like all the players out there, and do exactly what they do, ask ask and again ask!