Relationships: The Ideal Relationship

How can we define an ideal relationship? Well one way to begin is to look at where relationships fail on this planet and from there attempt to glean a vision of what might be considered ideal.

In a recent article entitled "Relationships: Why Most Relationships Fail" I make the point that most individuals form relationships based on meeting their own respective needs through the other.

In other words the relationship "becomes" about having the other say and do things that will make you feel whole, complete, validated, worthy and good about yourself. It's no wonder that when these expectations are not regularly met that one can feel saddened, disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, betrayed, untrusting, avoidant, angry and perhaps even enraged.

So you see relationships based on such a foundation are essentially bound to fail.

Would it not be beneficial for individuals to dispense with such expectations i.e. that of getting their needs met by the other before contemplating entering into a relationship?

Well that might lead some to wonder what a relationship is supposed to consist of then.

If it's not about getting needs met then what is one supposed to do in a relationship?

If one can get passed this conundrum the next question becomes: "Is it even possible to address all of my own personal needs before meeting someone else?"

To address the first point I will suggest that you reflect on what your heart