A Vote for John Kerry is a Vote for Freedom

Since George W. Bush and the Christian Right seized power of the United States, the outside world has watched with shock, disbelief and horror as a once proud, free and respected country has transformed into a dangerous Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist state.

Or in other words, the biggest threat to humanity and the planet since the creation of the atomic bomb.

Too harsh? Too paranoid? Maybe, but keep reading anyway.

Let me sum up what they have achieved or are working on achieving since taking power:

1. Iraq: The Christian Right under their Commander George W Bush,lied to their own people and the world and invaded a country that was absolutely no threat to the world. Thousands upon thousands of men,women and children were slaughtered.(between 5000 and 10 000) The Bush Regime now own the most sought after resource, oil. But to these Christian Fundamentalists, the deaths of the Iraqi people are considered collateral damage. Why? Because they are non white and non christian. To Bush and his regime, that makes them disposable.

2. The cunning and devious Bush Christian Coalition are cleverly and carefully chipping away at the abortion ruling for Rowe vs. Wade. If elected for another four years, the Christian Right will have complete control over what each woman can and cannot do with her body.
Basically women will become the property of the Christian Right. Scary stuff people.

3. The Bush Regime attempted to eliminate affirmative action. They failed this time, but they are working on it. If given enough time, they will find a away.

4. There are now plans to rewrite the Constitution to ban gay marriages. Why? Because the God that the Right Wing Christian Fundamentalists have created and worship says that being gay is a sin and all faggots and dykes are going to hell. So why not oppress and demoralize them. That is the Bush Christian way.

5. The Christian Extremists created the Patriot Act. They now have the power to pluck anyone off of the street, imprison them for as long as they want and that prisoner cannot see a lawyer or even his or her family. Remind you of anything? Communism, Fascism, Hitler....

6. Speaking of Hitler...Isn't there a concentratrion camp that the Bush Regime created for Afghani prisoners. I wonder who is being tortured right now.

7. The Christian Bush Zealots have succeeded in using fear and ignorant hatred to silence those who oppose their views. Remember, the invasion of the Iraq: The Texans smashing the Dixie Chicks CDs, and all of the threats made against people who spoke against the invasion, and the Right Wing CNN who totally supported these nuts and their Leader throughout the invasion.

Listen up America. Stop watching those stupid reality TV shows and start focusing on what is happening to your country. If you are either non white, a female, or a non christian, your rights are being taken away from you. The equality you have gained is now being stolen from you.

Get the Democrats back into power. If you ignore what is going on around you or just don't care, you are only going to have yourselves to blame when you finally wake up and realize what was taken away from you: Your sense of self, your dignity, YOUR FREEDOM.

You have not lost it yet, Get the Democrats back in power!!!!!

copyright 2004 TrysDan Roberts

TrysDan Roberts is a freelance writer and published author of the novel, The Sinking Of Noah's Ark, as well as several published short stories. Permission is granted to post any of TrysDan's articles that have been submitted to goarticles.com on websites provided that the author is acknowledged and the link to the authors site, www.trysdansbooks.com is placed in the authors bio.