The Pixel Fad

Is pixel advertising a fad? Depending on what you read on the web and assuming you know about pixel advertising, then you probably have an opinion on this subject. In one corner you have the pro pixel groups, no doubt filled with people that own a pixel site, trying to convince you to part with your hard earned cash, and, In the other corner you have the anti-pixel lobbyists, cram packed of people who are mostly not brave enough to give it a go or don't have the vision to see the potential of this type of advertising.

When pixel advertising was first introduced by Alex Tew it was unique and it had world wide coverage, so no wonder he made an absolute killing out of it. But those days are gone, infact for most people, that day never came and I'm going to explain some of the reasons why.

1. The band wagon. When the original milliondollarhomepage was announced world wide, every other man and his dog thought it would be a fantastic idea to have there own site and make it big like Alex Tew. I personally jumped on this band wagon, forgetting that a couple of billion other people also seen the same news report that I did.

2. The size of pixel ads. C'mon do you really think people look at a 10*10 pixel ad and say to themselves "that ad will really get noticed, I can see my profits going through the roof already", I mean you could have potentially ten thousand ads on one single page, hence you have a 1/10,000 chance of getting your ad seen, then take into account that most pixel sites really struggle to get any traffic at all to there websites.

3. Cost. Gimme a break, even at 1c per pixel it still isn't worth it and consider that most are offering there pixels at $1 per pixel, who are they kidding? Sure some may make good money; most will not make a cent. Webmasters around the world have had to rethink there strategy, the dream of getting rich quick with minimal effort had clouded there judgment, mine included. Webmasters are offering cash, cars, ipods one even has some type of MLM scheme built into it, so somehow you make money from the pixels.

After a month of waiting to get rich and not making one brass razoo, I have had to take my head out of the clouds and do some real thinking; this is what I have come up with. Only a couple of webmaster will make any money out of this, selling pixels is dead, there is no money in selling pixels, there never was. But that doesn't make it a fad that