The 10 Biggest Mistakes That Sabotage Your Healing

All of us are in need of healing. Perhaps we are mourning the loss of a relationship, or a loss of a loved one (animal or human). Or the loss of our health. Or the loss of a job, or status. Or the loss of a belief, or trust, or faith. Or peace of mind. Any loss will put us in a state of uneasiness or dis-ease.

Dis-ease as the name says is the lack of ease or the absence of well-being, to be more accurate. When we lose our well-being, in any which form it comes, physically, emotionally, psychologically, or spiritually, we grieve. There is loss and we grieve this loss.

Here are the 10 biggest mistakes that sabotage our healing from whatever dis-ease we may be having in life.

1. We don