Iraq War is Over

The Iraq War is over now; it ended shortly after major combat operations ended and Saddam was caught. Now we are in a new phase, which more resembles an "idea or concept" much more than a war or conflict in the new net-centric battlespace.

The concept is one of setting Iraq on its own course and one, which will insure that the Iraqi People will have an on-going chance as they themselves are able to write their future in the annals of history. Sure in concept we understand all this, as we can see it on a two-dimensional slide presentation, as we scour the data of all that we have accomplished. But do we as a nation really understand what is involved in this second phase in Iraq.

It is not easy setting up a government, over seeing voting, bringing Saddam to justice and insuring power systems, schools, police, fire, security forces are all turned back on and running at optimum. But at the end of the day it is apparent that all those facts and hard work, whether realized by the average American or not, is water under the bridge. You see this is because we are now told that the American People want two questions answered today:

1.) What are we getting for our money.

2.) When will this focus on Iraq end so we can focus on America.

It is of course unfortunate that many cannot see the bigger picture and the hard work that most go into insuring that the flows of the Iraqi Civilization. However it is apparent that the opposition party is telling the people to demand more and become enraged in debate over the Iraq War a war, which is over, but the political opposition is attempting to keep going at least until the next election. "We want our money back" is going to be the battle cry of the opposing political power grab. They are going to say; "For 300 Billion Dollars, we get a what, a hornet